Know there are things you need to work on, but don’t want to go through the pain of bringing it to the surface?

Soul Journeys

Soul Journeys are a unique way of bringing up any energy stuck in your body that needs to be released. By using multiple healing modalities to tap into your Inner Child, inner Alignment and Intuition, you will be moved from feeling stuck to feeling lighter with direction.

Each session is Channelled, and 100% different every time. During the session you can expect energy clearing, guided meditations, energy alignment, sound work, crystals, aura work and so much more depending on what is needed!

You are in the right place if...

❤️‍🩹 You have tried counselling, therapy, short course, and anything you can get your hands on to change the way you are feeling but there is still a heaviness, brain fog and apathy.

❤️‍🩹 You are feeling stuck in life, you know there are things that need work… but to open the door this would be incredibly painful to bring it all up to the surface… and need a way to release the feelings from the body without actually feeling them.

❤️‍🩹 You want to have a deeper connection to Spirituality, but you currently feel really blocked and are unsure how to open up and connect to yourself, connect to your ancestors and to your inner child.

❤️‍🩹 Throughout your life there have been some difficult experiences you know you are hanging onto and you finally want the freedom to let go of all this sh*t and finally live a life for you, which is a lot freaking happier!

Don’t worry, I am here to help!

Now just IMAGINE…

✨ You are deeply connected to yourself, your intuition and feel like any dark cloud over you has finally gone. Feeling physically lighter in your body, a clearer path to follow and feeling that love and connection from spirit.

✨Going through an experience that you will always remember, after going on a journey to get to know your soul better you feel connected to yourself and know that any negativity around you has melted away.

✨ Those past memories holding you back, are healed, there is no need to revisit them. It has finally been laid to rest and no longer plaguing your mind daily, creating space for positivity.

✨ Finally knowing what your Inner Child is crying out for and how to support this… how to support the previous version of you to heal the present you. Deeply connecting to your Inner Child and getting the love you’ve always wanted.

✨ A chance to see who is in your Spirit Team (should they decide to step forward)… knowing who is around you all the time to bring in that sense of comfort and love.

What do we focus on?


Pulling you back into alignment by removing any negativity holding you back.


Making an energetic connection to the smaller version of you that needs healing, ultimately healing you in the present.


Removing the noise, so you can set an intension and get back in touch with your intuition.


What does Kirsty do in the session?

Soul Journey’s are an amazing way to tap into what is really going on for you, clearing your energy, finding a deep sense of purpose and my unique approach is an eclectic approach, Pulling together things I have learned throughout my spiritual journey and study to create this truly unique healing experience.
Some of the things I use…
✨ Guided Meditation
✨ Reiki
✨ Shamanic type journeys
✨ Regression to past lives or childhood
✨ Unlocking the Inner Child by connecting to that version of you
✨ Crystals
✨ Sound Energy clearing techniques
✨ Tarot cards
✨ Connecting to Spirit Guides and/or loved one’s (not always guaranteed)

Each Soul Journey is totally different and depending on what you need at that time. A Soul Journey will never bring up anything you are not ready to deal with, and you will be supported by me throughout the session and after.

Who is a Soul Journey for?

A Soul Journey is for anyone who is open and wants to try this as a modality to heal themselves. It's for the person who is open to Spirituality, or just curious and wanting to see a change in themselves instantly.

What are the benefits?

• Pain reduction
• Pain management
• Emotional balance
• Providing emotional release in difficult times
• Opening the third eye
• Deeper spiritual connection
• Relaxation
• Anxiety and stress relief.
• Improved Sleep.
• Clarity.• Cleanses and removes negativity.
• Increased motivation.• Increased energy levels.
• Helps to ground people.
• Be more present.
• Boost the Body’s own self-healing abilities.
• Compliments other medical treatments.
• Curse and hex breaking
• Ancestral pattern breaking
• Ancestral curse breaking
• And so much more!

Each person’s experience will be entirely different, and the benefits will be unique to you. It is important to note that Soul Journey Sessions should be used hand in hand of traditional western medicine, not instead of. If you have a health concern, please always consult your GP.

FAQ image

What does a Soul Journey feel like?

You get the easy job! My clients, even clients with ADHD report deep feelings of relaxation and being able to truly switch off their mind. Throughout the session people have reported vividly following my guided meditation – which I use when appropriate and not every session. People have reported seeing colours, having tingly sensations over them, feeling warm and fuzzy, feeling safe and able to truly let go in the experience.

What They Say

Thank you so much for today hun. You have helped me so much since I first met you and you really have no idea! They say we meet people for reason and I truly believe that

I'd just like to say once again, thank you for such a wonderful experience. Almost as soon as I got home yesterday, the unresolved issue from my recent past came to light, and for the first time I was able to clearly see it and understand it enough to work through it and let it go. This morning I also realised what the Guided Meditation has uncovered about the past, and now I am more aware of it, I know exactly how to handle it!

Amazing, Kirsty is so understanding and down to earth. She makes you feel valued and comfortable from the moment you ask for a session. Just an all around babe and I wouldn’t suggest anyone else